视频 | 高通CEO安蒙带你前瞻2024

用微博快三年了,在龙年新春来临之际,很开心能和@CallmeFF1205 @Eva的科技生活 @科技九洲君 @楼斌Robin @徐林 @影视飓风MediaStorm @臧智渊 进行一次有趣的快问快答互动。中国的骁友拥有广阔的科技视野,我们一起探讨了骁龙在AI、手机、PC、汽车等领域的诸多创新和未来发展方向。我还谈了作为CEO运营公司的感受,也聊了一些生活小故事。欢迎大家围观,也期待新的一年和大家有更多精彩的交流,#有龙则灵#。

I‘ve been using Weibo for almost three years now。 As the Year of the Dragon approaches, I’m delighted to participate in a fun ‘Ask Me Anything’ interaction with Chinese Snapdragon Insiders。 You all have a broad perspective on innovations in areas like AI, mobile, PC, and automotive。 Together, we‘ve explored many possibilities for the future。 I’ve also shared my experiences as a CEO running the company and some personal anecdotes。 Please check it out。 I look forward to more exciting discussions with you in the year ahead。


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